Sunday 12 April 2020

My Memorable Agra Visit - 18.12.19


Agra trip:

I and Kala left early in the morning @4.30 AM to Red Fort, Delhi for boarding the bus  to Agra.  We got into a local bus and the bus did not move until it was full.  Purpose of leaving early in the morning was lost due to inadequate information.  We earlier contemplated leaving for Agra by Satabdi Express but couldn’t get the tickets.  Bus Ticket to Agra was not all that expensive but took more 5 hours to reach Agra and we almost lost a valuable day. 

We reached Agra around 12.00 Noon and decided to go to Taj Mahal which is world heritage site.  I had gone to Agra some time during 1993 .  I remember having visited Agra with my brother Venkat and my good friend Ayyappan. 

There was a sheer joy for kala and myself.  It was a magnificent sight and we couldn’t believe ourselves as we were in front of the taj mahal.  As we walked few meters from the entrance, we could see the grand Taj Mahal

Mogul Emperor had rich taste which is evident in the structure and architect of the Dargah.  The entire structure is built with white marble and could imagine the number of years it would have taken to construct such a grandeur.  Taj Mahal was built sometime in the year 1632 by Emperor Shah Jahan.  Emperor Shah Jahan built the memorial for his wife Mumtaz. 
As we were facing time constraints, we decided to go Agra fort.  Agra Fort is just about 5 Kms away from Taj Mahal.  It was believed that Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb ruled the place from the Agra Fort and imprisoned his own father Shah jahan who built the great Taj Mahal.  In his last days of Shah Jahan he could see Taj Mahal from the place where he was kept under imprisonment

We reached New Delhi sometime in the night and had plans to go to Vrindhavanam and Govardhanam by the next day.  Please let me have your views and comments on this post

Kindly send your valuable comments and suggestions to improve my blogging.  


Kumar Travel Blog

New Delhi

.I was planning to be in New Delhi by the 16th of December 2019.  I had booked my air tickets in the month of October 2019.  Place of stay, travel spots and other details were worked out much earlier.  I thought to myself that it is a well-planned trip.  The first in my travel agenda was to attend our family friend son’s marriage which was on the 16th of December 2019.  Myself and my wife Kala took off from Madras airport (early morning flight) and we reached New Delhi at around 9.00 a.m.  My family friend had arranged a cab for us, and we reached a service apartment.  Got to know that we had to stay in the service apartment, and it was a decent place to stay. 

Day – 1 (16.12.2019)

New Delhi recorded a cold weather of about 12˚ C.  It is very chilly for me as I am not used to such cold conditions.  We had some break fast (not so great) and went to the family friends house.  There were dances typical Punjabi style but not so impressed on the house.  I was then told that the apartment is at the center of New Delhi and it is in a posh locality.  The host engaged a person to tie turban in my head as part of the marriage celebration and I suddenly looked like a Punjabi.  I said to myself WOW

We decided to leave early to the service apartment as not only we were tired but also biting cold.  I learned it touch 8˚ C at 10.00 PM.  It was totally new experience to me and couldn’t bear the cold. 

Day – 2 (18.01.2019)

I got up a little early in the morning though it was very cold and looking at my whatsapp messages and reading all my emails.  I realized that my wallet which I had placed it in the table next to the bed is missing.  I initially searched all over but couldn’t locate it.  My wife joined me in searching and she also couldn’t locate it.  I told to myself “My God” what is happening to me.  I had my credit card, debit card (three different banks) and cash of about INR 7500.  I didn’t know how to go about and kala thought it is best to inform the family friend.  I was not at all happy to disturb them as they must be busy with the marriage events.  Within 30 minutes our family friend Mr Yogesh and his wife arrived at the service apartment to search for the wallet.  What an embarrassing moment.  Mr Yogesh told me it is better to inform the bank to block the cards and he helped me in blocking the cards.  It was to our surprise that kala could locate the wallet which has fallen on the other side of the bed.  There were many theories that was discussed how it could have gone to the other side of the bed.  I should thank my stars and I was relieved.  Thanked Mr Yogesh and his wife who came out to support in this hour of crisis.  Mr Yogesh and his wife had many engagements in the morning to look after the bride’s family and their travel program.  All ended well. 
As the marriage program was over, we requested Mr Ankush’s (family friend in Ghana) father to pick us from the service apartment.  Ankush father was not a good driver at all.  He was driving the car very rash but then I realized he did not know driving.  There were so many instances of miss and kiss.  We were lucky to reach their apartment in one piece.  Ankush parents were well known to us as we had met them several number of times in Accra.  They had attended Vishnu puja at our house.  They were very kind and I should say they were king and Queen of hospitality.  Went around the place to buy some jackets and scarfs to beat the Delhi Cold.  We also visited Sai Baba temple near their house.  In the evening we decided to go to India Gate and to Connaught place (where we were told that very nice chat items are available).  India Gate looked very nice and exciting.

Uber was extremely friendly, and we did not have any problems with respect to moving around Delhi.  In any case, Kala knows Hindi and therefore managing the driver and the location was kala’s job whereas my duty was to remove the currency from the wallet.  Connaught place was a utter disappointment and I really did not find any place with good chat items.  Returned to the house late in the night.  Next day our plan was to go to Agra. 

More travel blogs to be published. 

Thanks for reading - Kumar